The Knight of Wands has arrived, and he's urging us to take inspired action.
This week we're paid a fleeting visit from the Knight of Wands. As he moves swiftly on his horse through an arid desert, the Knight of Wands is driven by the element of fire. His inner flame stokes his desire to achieve victory. His fire burns with such intensity that it leaves no room for feelings of doubt or fear. He simply understands what must be done, and sets off to meet his destiny.
The Knight of Wands teaches us the value of taking inspired action, and to not leave outcomes to chance. If there's something important you've been putting off, this is your sign to get it done...and to move quickly, before self-doubt, fear or discomfort settle in.
It's always easier to sit still, but in doing so, we miss opportunities to realise our full potential. We're limiting ourselves by staying safe. The Knight of Wands challenges us to stop making excuses, and take ownership of our responsibilities with courage and passion. If you need some encouragement, take inspiration from the Knight of Wands. Stoke your inner fire with positive affirmations. Believe in yourself - you can do it!
Deck: Aquarius Tarot by Dawn Aquarius
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